Thursday, June 5, 2008

High Road?

I understand that sometimes i can be harsh, overly attentive to detail and i hold a grudge. If some asshole decides its okay to walk all over the wasfriend then hes got another thing coming. I like to think that most girls my age are like me... strong, independent and not afraid to say goodbye when the relationship has turned abusive. Not physically but its bad enough. I know that I'm wrong about this, its just hard to watch. She really doesn't see how destructive her relationship is, and how they've all been this way. I guess i have to stop trying to save her. She told me in a very rude email today that she was "done" I'm not entirely sure what "done" entails but clearly shes upset, i was too honest (which frankly i thought she was used to by now). I'm done too, I'm done playing rescue because i always get caught in the line of fire.

Something about last few days where fights are constantly breaking out around me. Maybe mercury is in retrograde again? ha i bet that's it. okay well either way yesterday I had it out, gloves off, with my roommate. I'm just a person who doesn't put up with bull shit, i can't stand it. So I've stopped taking it, especially from someone I've allowed to live in my apartment. to give you an idea. In the apartment is my boyfriend Jamie, his friend Eddie and myself. Eddie has his own bathroom, except because of lack of space on our end of the apartment Eddie shares his bathroom with the cat who is very well trained. I woke up one morning and went in to feed the cat. now to paint the full picture the cats litter box is like one of those large storage wear things with a big hole in it in the top (no i didn't make it, its just very functional) and not for nothing most people know what a pain in the ass it is to take the lid off one of those, cats, dogs and even small children cannot physically remove this lid. with that said. i walk into the bathroom to find the top off the litter box and a giant clump (from where the litter had been "wet") and again not for nothing but no cat can physically hold that much liquid. your following right... the roomie peed in the effing litter box. Who the FUCK does that?? so of course when we asked him about it, he said he had only had five or six beers the night before and doesn't remember. well either he's lying about the amount he consumed or he does remember hes just not going to fess up. I told him that either way, this makes him a liar and WTF?!? so yes this is my life right now. People acting like children and me being a little to overwhelmed to care.

Its not that I don't care because usually i do. But I'm happy and really trying not to let the drama in other peoples lives mess me up that way anymore. Jamie and I will have been together for a year on June 28th. Its exciting and real and i wouldn't trade it for the world. A bad roommate and an overly emotional friend on the other hand now that's a completely different story. I work everyday from 9-6 and I'm taking two very intensive summer courses, I literally just don't have time for this crap. So I'm choosing not too. Its not a cop out, just a choice to stay happy.