Things that shouldn't bother me but do.
- When you get me coffee daily and it is always wrong. always.
- When kenai (the puppy) barks for no reason.
- When I hear the same complaints daily.
- How effed up the catholic church can be.
- When i come home from working and studying all day and the sink is still full of dishes because the x-box has been on all day.
- When people i work with ask me questions when i'm clearly busy, usually reading for school.
- Ignorance. (i think this one is allowed)
- Roomates.
- Ex girlfriends
- When your mother thinks its okay to tell me how to be in a relationship with you.
- My place of employment.
- Not owning my own car.
- Friends that can't keep a story straight.
- Smoke breaks when all you two talk about is the stupid game. thrilling, glad i came.
- When you can't get your sayings right... i just heard you say "rash of shit." its raft. raft of shit.
- The way i feel like i'm going to die everytime i get into your car, learn to check your blind spots, green lights don't mean green flag racing, accelerating and then slamming on your breaks defeats the purpose, not to mention its a waste of gas.
- Your Ipod on random. 30gig ipod that is FULL should never be put on random. I swear to god these are thing i've heard today. (Currently) Mariah, Johnny Cash, Akon, Jimmy Buffett, Jack Johnson, Fergie, Off Kilter, Andrea Bochelli, Barry Manillow, Kelly Clarkson and the list keeps going. I understand how most of these are acceptable alone but its like a bad radio station. Really bad. and its even worse when there is under your breath singing you think i don't hear, but i do, i'm a desk away. Daily the shuffle includes, Rap, some classic Rock'n'Roll, Country, Opera, Showtunes, Pop, Top 40. not all of it bad but in the order played to me is like nails on a chalkboard.
Okay i'm going to stop. Maybe i'm pmsing, maybe i just didn't get enough sleep, or maybe today is just my day to be a bitch. so i am. i need quite. and i need it now. please for the love of god.
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