Friday, March 27, 2009

I have tried to make every effort to blog as often as I can except that lately i've been actually keeping myself from it because all that seems to be coming out is whine whine whine. If only I could turn that into wine wine wine. Ha. Okay well A lot has been happening over the last few weeks and its all just a tad overwhelming some days. One piece of great news is that one of my many doctors decided to give me an x ray of my neck to see if they could further diagnose my problem, now keep in mind this has been going on since thanksgiving weekend, and as it turns out I have a muscle spasm. Which is a no big deal kind of diagnosis. Before the x-ray I was hearing that I needed to see an orthopedic to see if the problem was bad enough to require surgery or if I would be needing to control the pain with pain management, ie having an epidural in my neck, none of which sounded like plesant or happy options... So when my prescription for the muscle spasm became lots of muscle care and maybe some physical therapy I was very happy. And my first question to the doctor "would yoga count as physical therapy??" she just smiled and said it couldn't possibly hurt. So i've been doing yoga once a week... Which will hopefully boost up to 2 or 3 times a week once I get my balance, center and stamina back. Already the yoga has helped more than I could have predicted... Except that the first yoga practice was a little more intense than I was planning on, during practice I felt great (aside from my lack of balance) but afterward it felt something similar to my head being slowly crushed under the foot of the biggest elephant on the planet. I iced the spasm and rested my head and tried to flush my body with water... And let me just say that all week my pain has been cut in half by 50 percent.

In other exciting news i've made a girlfriend... That actually lives withing 20 minutes of me! Okay I sound like an excited 7 year old. So officially this makes 2. 2 girlfriends in florida. One of them is living with her fiance and their almost 1 year old daughter. And this new found buddy, that I have known for a while but we've just now started to become close is Jamie's cousin Renee. We connect on so many levels and we have a giant understand about our boys and their careers. As her boyfriend is stationed at ft benning Georgia for basic training... And well then there is mine.

As far as my work situation is going a position in customer service opened up and I took a chance and applied... It would be a step in the right direction. Most of the things I dislike about my job are on the payables side of thing. Bottom line I am not an accountant I am a people person and truly think given the chance to move I would be giving myself a new challange and pushing myself once again to learn new things about this company which in the ultimate scheme of things means i'm right on track. I had my interview yesterday with human resources and was told that I should find out today or monday if I got it. So fingers crossed kids!

As far as updates go I think i've covered all my bases.

Happy friday!